Now the darkness only stays at night time | In the morning it will fade away | Daylight is good | At arriving at the right time | But it’s not always going | To be this grey

– All things must pass, George Harrison

There will be times when so many things are going on at the same time, some will be rocking, some will be rolling, and some will be crushing and sinking…hard and bad.

…and those that aren’t working so well, will be getting worse and take up more time and more effort and you can’t seem to get a handle of it all.

Don’t worry, this too shall pass.

Breathe and first realize that this won’t be your last crisis, and your problems aren’t unique…and there will be another crisis, and another after, and more to follow.

One minute things are running like magic where everything is in its right place, and it doesn’t seem you could do anything for things to get out of order. You’re getting plenty of visits, leads are coming in like crazy, you’re acquiring new users left and right…

…and the next minute everything has gone to shit, and it’s bad, and your site is down, and users are logging off, writing, chiming in their issues. Or it could be externally where your campaign hasn’t gone as you hoped, or you got some negative reviews, or you weren’t announced as you wished, or…

…it never ends, or it sure seems so.

But this crisis will end, and another one will come up in the near (or far) future.

So in the meantime, you need to accept it isn’t forever, so why not get in there and experiment, keep digging, and ask more questions of yourself, of users, of your internal teammates, of anyone involved.

You’d be surprised, but even in times of crisis, you can gain a lot of ground by investigating it in real-time, watching what is going on, checking why and how it happened, and learning so much to either avoid this crisis next time or find you could possibly avoid it or mitigate it better.

Still, while all this learning is important if a fire is burning, your first priority is to put it out and not to watch it burn, burn, burn 🙂