You can’t win them all but you can try

– Babe Didrikson Zaharias

Sometimes we get the results we aimed for, and sometimes nothing goes as planned; sometimes we succeed beyond our imagination, and sometimes we fail miserably having to pick ourselves back up; and sometimes we write a post that is shared, loved, and inspires others, and sometimes it is garbage with text 🙂

We can’t always succeed, no matter how much we aim for it, plan for it, and work hard putting all the right building blocks in place.

This is life.

But we have no choice but to keep trying to win, pushing for positive results, and aiming for the moon…otherwise what is the point?

Knowing this, we could improve our process and try to have a bit more fun with it, being aware ahead of time that we may possibly fail or win big, but at least enjoying the moment and pushing ourselves to fail fast to avoid just wasting time, to get the details we seek and move on in hopes for a better outcome.

But while we may know this and are aware of this constant rollercoaster, we need to remember that with all the successes and failures, it is never the end of the world, cause next time we may win, or we may end up losing.

It’s just how the cookie crumbles, so we need to try to win.

Isn’t that so?